Common problems of Retail Investors

The common problems of retail investors

Common problems for new retail investors
In the world of information, we all keep on listening the conversations around us about how to become millionaire or wealthy and achieve the financial freedom. Passive income and FIRE movement have become the talk of the town within young investors.

The Psychology of stock market


The Psychology of stock market The Psychology of stock market players, Mistakes due to Behavioural bias ,The stock cycle due to the Psychology of stock market ,Ways to manage psychology when investing in stocks The Psychology of stock market is the base of overall performance of the market resulting in market up or down trends . The indicator of the price action in the … Read more

Easy rules for Investing Vs Speculation

Investing Vs Speculation ,Difference between investing and speculation ,Investing ,Speculation “Price is what you pay, value is what you get” Warrren Buffett “Easy rules for Investing Vs Speculation” this is the question every new retail investor is asking or trying to reply nowadays. Retail investors like you and me face problems and frequently get confused … Read more

Passive Investing :Index Investing Vs ETF

Passive Investing: Index fund Vs ETF, Types of Investing, Active Investing ,Passive Investing ,Index Investing ,ETFs Investing is such a vast subject which takes long years to learn the ins and outs of the subject. Investing has many faces in the process which you as an investor need to understand before starting your investing journey. … Read more

When to sell a stock from portfolio

Most of the time, every investor talks about when to purchase the purchase of the stock. Every investor try to time the purchase of the stock. But buying the stock is only half job done and the important half work is holding the stock with continuous monitoring the underlying business .Selling the stock at right time is the final work of a smart investor.

How to invest in bear market

How to invest in bear

How to invest in bear market New retail investors who entered after COVID-19 fall are seeing the trailer of bear market for the first time. As bear market or bull market are inevitable and both are the part and parcel of capital market. We will discuss some strategies to get benefit of bear market and avoiding losses due to wrong decisions due to fear in capital market